Deep Sea Diving

FYI Computer Virus

Ric's computer is the primary one in our office and most of our online communications funnel through it. Yesterday we received an e-mail supposedly from FedEx saying they had a failed delivery to us. If we wanted the package we had to open an attached invoice. The attachment is actually a very nasty virus which rendered Ric's computer nothing more than a big paperweight. The computer is in the repair shop right now and will cost about $250.00 to fix. We have transferred over to Christian's computer but he does not have as complete an address book as Ric does. If you have something pending we may be tardy in responding. Our e-mail accounts are POP mail and not web mail so we can't retrieve those that are stuck on Ric's machine. If you happen to get an e-mail from a shipping company like this with an attachment DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are UPS and DHL versions of this virus scam. Contact the shipping company directly if you have suspicions about an e-mail. FedEx has information on its website at